Friday, July 25, 2008

"HELP!!!! My Internet/Email is Broken!!"

"My Internet is Broken," is perhaps the most common tech support request experienced by Information Technology professionals since the emergence of AOL, Mindspring, and Earthlink.

AOL and Mindspring/Earthlink came along and offered the previously super-nerd-accessible-only INTERNET to the masses. There were two major results:

  1. This accelerated internet usage to the point where we are today. What was previously referred to as the "information revolution," (analogous to the industrial revolution), is now more of an, "interconnected collaboration revolution."

  2. An explosion in the size of the IT support industry

The top two support requests for new users typically are either, (1) my email is broken, or (2) my internet is broken.

CDLLC clients, being curious and of above average intelligence, routinely ask me how the internet works.

In response, we suggest a tool that provides a tiny glimpse behind the scenes of what we all take for granted as "the internet," and, "email."

Having said that, I am pleased to offer the following tool to CDLLC clients who desire a peek behind the curtains...


Visual IP Trace

***note, there is a free trial available if you click the "HOME" link on the top of the page after following the URL.

Download it here.
